KETIKA jawatankuasa teknikal peringkat kebangsaan memulakan mesyuarat untuk membincang dan meneliti pelaksanaan undang-undang jenayah syariah Islam di Kelantan minggu lalu, Lim Kit Siang sekali lagi memberi amaran bahawa DAP akan meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat jika Pas meneruskan hasratnya memperkenal hukum hudud di negeri itu.

Amaran sebegini sudah dikeluarkan banyak kali oleh pemimpin DAP. Manakala DAP bersikap keras dan tidak bertolak ansur, Pas tetap berharap rakan sekongkolannya akan memahami dan dapat menerima hakikat.

Pendirian DAP sama dengan sikap parti induknya di Singapura, Peoples’ Action Party (PAP). Kata Perdana Menteri, Lee Hsien Loong: “There is a political standoff between Umno, which stands for a modern Malaysia, and Pas, whose goal is to create an Islamic state. In Malaysia, the (Barisan Nasional government) is doing everything it can to develop and modernise the country. The opposition Pas is fighting BN’s progressive approach. Pas stands for an Islamic state, including hudud laws like chopping off hands for theft and stoning to dealth for adultery.” (Ucapan di Forum Peringkat Menteri Kent Ridge 2002)

Kerajaan Singapura berpegang kepada konsep agama adalah hak peribadi; ia antara penganut dan Tuhannya. Sikap Pas yang tidak menghormati pandangan dan kedudukan bukan Islam adalah melampau, kata pemimpin itu.

Menurut mantan Perdana Menteri, Goh Chok Tong: “Pas is pushing for the introduction of hudud laws...Extremism comes at the expense of inter-racial and inter-religious interaction. It excludes rather than includes. It results in a withdrawal of the practitioner into his own cocoon, and in a rejection of others who do not share his beliefs. When that happens, the other communities will not only keep their distance, but will also press for greater space of their own. This can break up social cohesion.
Extremism is even more dangerous when the practitioners campaign and compel others to follow their view.” (Ucapan di Forum Fortune Global 2002)

Sikap Pas yang konservatif juga membimbangkan pemimpin Singapura. Tanpa menyebut nama parti, Menteri Undang-Undang K. Shanmugam mengingatkan: “Religiosity is a worldwide trend. A minority in any religion could twist the religion and try and use the increasing religiosity to their own narrow ends...You must never assume (cohesion) is baked and it cannot be cracked – it can be cracked by people (with a warped sense of one religion or another).” (The Straits Times, 15 July 2014)

Menurut Chok Tong, sikap radikal dan konservatisme parti politik dan gerakan yang menggunakan agama sebagai alat lebih cenderung terdedah kepada pengaruh ekstremisme dan keganasan. “Extremists insist on a narrow and rigid interpretation of Islam.

They preach that the syariah, which was developed by scholars many centuries ago, should be accepted in toto, without question or modification. They are reluctant to practice ijtihad, which allows Muslims to find new solutions to problems, and which will help make Islam relevant to the changing times and circumstances.” (Perdebatan Ucapan Presiden di Parlimen Singapura, 2002).

Tambah beliau: “Political Islam is a challenge for governments, especially in those Asean countries with large Muslim populations. The rise of political Islam in the region will also hamper the ongoing war against terrorism...Whether Malaysia develop along Umno’s modern approach or goes in Pas’ religious and conservative direction will have an impact on Singapore...My worry is that some extremist groups will exploit the growing Islamic consciousness in Singapore and in the region to advance their religious or political objectives through radical means.”

Menurut Hsien Loong, masalah yang timbul bukan antara orang Islam dan bukan Islam, tapi antara elemen sederhana dan pelampau dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam sendiri.

Pemimpin republik itu membenarkan rakyatnya – Islam dan bukan Islam – mengamal agama masing-masing tapi tidak sampai mewujudkan ketegangan. Khaw Boon Wan, seorang menteri kanan, berpendapat politik Islam yang dibawa Pas boleh memecahbelahkan perikatan negara-negara serantau sebagaimana yang pernah berlaku disebabkan pengaruh komunisme.

Jelas, kerajaan Singapura bimbang dengan tuntutan Pas melaksanakan undang-undang syariah kerana akan bawa implikasi bukan sahaja kepada masyarakat di Malaysia, malah serantau.