GRUMKNM: The hypocrisy of Ambiga - Ahmad Pazil Md Isa

Ahmad Pazil Md Isa

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GRUMKNM: The hypocrisy of Ambiga

On the 10th of July, Ambiga launched another group (after her series of unsuccessful groups), named themselves ‘Negara-Ku’, and claimed to be ‘a people’s movement to reclaim our nation’.
The GRUMKNM (I will never allow to them to stain the name of our national anthem) is controversially chaired by the Vice President of IKRAM whom despite being warned and disputed by many prominent Muslim leaders in Malaysia, continue to protect their decision to be part of this group (who are actually the real extremist and chauvinist in Malaysia) as it is, what they believe to be a move to restore peace and harmony.
The main argument that they repeatedly bring up, is the sole claim that the group will always refer to the basics of:
-> The Federal Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land;
->The Malaysia Agreement; ->The Rukunegara as the guide for national objectives and values.
So what’s wrong in that? – they say.
Well, just one day before the launch itself, Ambiga was reported by Malaysiakini to have called for the opposition to stand strong in calling for an amendment in the constitution. Speaking on the issue of unilateral conversions of childrens in an event organized by Anwar Ibrahim, Ambiga expressed her disappointment towards Pakatan Rakyat for not coming in strong enough in pushing for amendments to the existing laws. 
So now please help me brain this. How does one at one hour calls for a strong force to amend the constitution, and the next hour ‘buy’ people’s hope by promising to abide and always refer to the constitution? Is it at all logical to put your trust to someone who speaks against herself in two different events within 24 hours? How on earth do you rely and believe on one who repeatedly challenge the constitution to suddenly become a faithful citizen obeying and fighting to uphold the constitution? 
Please Malaysians, especially the Muslim group who are proudly a member (and chairman) of GRUMKNM, open your eyes and do not be fooled in broad daylight!
Hanan Othman
Wanita ISMA Activist

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