Impressive. Even the chairperson of GRUMKNM can ‘change tune’ abruptly, though not as swift as Ambiga (she did it in less than 24 hours!).
As members of IKRAM becomes agitated on the NGO’s move to be involved alongside other controversial groups and NGO’s in GRUMKNM, Zaid Kamaruddin is seen to be ‘comforting’ them with sweet promises and guarantees that GRUMKNM is a right decision as it will always refer to and be guided by the constitution.
Ironically, when their beloved Ambiga is busted for having called upon the amendment of the constitution just one day before the launch of GRUMKNM, Zaid suddenly says that the constitution has been amended many times in the past, thus calling for amendment of the constitution does not mean attacking and challenging it.
So what does GRUMKNM really do? Abide and protect the constitution? Or challenge and amend the constitution whenever it does not meet GRUMKNM needs, in the excuse of “preserving peace and harmony?”
Zaid later moulded his statement by saying that any amendments should not mess with the basic structure of the constitution.
Note: the basic structure of the constitution puts Islam as the religion of the federation. Islam is at a higher level than any other religion in Malaysia.
Now looking into the law that Ambiga was pushing to be amended, and as claimed by Zaid to be of ‘grave concern to many quarters’ (when in fact it is only of concern to the same group of IFC), this particular statute on unilateral conversion of a child is one that is beneficial to Islam, and is conformity with the religion of the Federation, as elucidated earlier.
While Zaid, who is also the Vice President of IKRAM proudly claim themselves to be the islamic representative in GRUMKNM so that they can do ‘dakwah’ to the others in the pact, then why is he backing up Ambiga on her fight for something against the interest of Islam? Where is the element of ‘dakwah’ that he and IKRAM proudly claim? Why does he, instead, slammed back on another muslim who is deeply concern on the fundamentals (aqidah) of her ummah?
In one of IKRAM’s recent post, they proudly listed out all their involvement in the past which includes going against the Interfaith Commision (IFC). Then why are they not able to see that the law Ambiga is harping on is a mere continuation of the demands of IFC which have yet to gain victory? (One of the 14 demands of IFC is that; one or both parents who converts to Islam should not be given the rights for child custody).
If GRUMKNM is really serious in preserving peace and harmony in the country, guided by the constitution, then I demand immediate stern action/press statement by Zaid as the chairperson of GRUMKNM on the following issues:
1) To investigate further on Ambiga’s call for amendment of the constitution regarding the law on unilateral child conversion and ensure that she does not tamper with laws related to Islam. (FYI, I did not accuse her of this, instead I quoted it directly from Malaysiakini. If Malaysiakini reported wrongly, then why isn’t Ambiga taking any actions to correct such report?)
2) To strongly oppose the Online LGBT petisyen that was promoted openly by Malaysiakini
3) To urge NUCC to state its stand on Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad, former Chief Justice’s claim regarding the current worrying situation of Islam in Pulau Pinang and to call upon the people and state government of Pulau Pinang to respect Islam as the religion of the Federation.
You claim that GRUMKNM was set up at the right time to address racial and religious rhetoric. Well now is the time you proof your words and walk the talk.
We are all watching.

Wanita ISMA Activist
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